Gemma Styles

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Long time single? Newly single? Got that unmistakable feeling that something is awry and you might be single pretty soon? You are not alone my friend. We are now getting well and truly stuck into break up season. Many believe this period of winter is a relatively safe one. Once you’re halfway through December, you are protected by the comforting umbrella of Christmas, New Year’s and the looming spectre of Valentine’s Day – times during which, surely, a break up is just too heinous to consider.

Sadly, it seems that this may not be the case. According to various compiled data sources, it seems that any time from early November, break ups are in season, and continue to ramp up to peak Ben & Jerry’s consumption (assumed) in the month of March. Maybe give extra consideration to picking up your wet towels off the floor for a while… just in case.

Read full article on The Debrief