Gemma Styles

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Selfies have clawed their way from the vacuous past time of the internet’s youth to being an actual proper ‘thing’, like, in the dictionary and everything. You go selfies – you’ve officially made it. As of iOS 9 they even get their own folder on your IPhone. This is the world we live in.

If you tell me you’ve never taken a selfie I probably wouldn’t believe you. You might not post your immaculate eyeliner to Instagram three times a day but at some point you’ve probably sent your friend a snap of your new hair cut. Or something else. You know what I mean – it’s a rare breed of person these days who hasn’t made friends with the front camera.

But for some people, selfies seem to have completely taken over their life… Some of you may remember the shocking case of Danny Bowman that hit the news last year; he eventually attempted suicide after dropping out of school, spending six months housebound and becoming clinically obsessed with the perfect selfie – and ‘failing’ to achieve it.

Read full article on The Debrief